
Thursday 4 June 2015

The Goldbergs

Sorry this is late, I wrote this last night and forgot to publish.

 A couple of months ago I posted about my embarrassing parents. It turns out that I got off lightly. The Goldbergs is a new comedy series set in the 80s about three kids and their unbelievably embarrassing parents. Their Mum is the worst. Because she wears "mum goggles" she thinks all her kids are perfect. Whenever something doesn't go their way, she will go and shout at whoever necessary to change that. She has even been know to turn up at a cool teenage party to try and make a girl go out with her son!

I wouldn't want to be her daughter when tests are coming up either. I hope nobody's parents are that bad about exams. Click here to see her in action. I really like it, it is not as good as Big Bang but it is still good. It's different to most other comedies like Friends and Big Bang because it's set in the past and is about a family. Here is the trailer.

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