
Monday 8 June 2015


Today is the first day of exam week. At our school, we had a "revison week" last week when all we did in lessons was revise what we had done over the last year (boring). Now we have an entire week of formal exams and revison periods. I have not been looking forward to this. I don't mind exams too much, they're a bit of a pain and take up time but I like to see how I'm getting on and I don't get too stressed about them. This year, I have been revising a lot because I want to get the best possible scores to end Key Stage 3, so I feel that I am fully prepared.

Today I had quite a hard day. We had History, Geography, French and Biolagy all in one day. I think it all went ok although geography was quite hard. Tomorrow is easier. We only have 3 exams.

However, some of my friends are no where near as calm. Some people get really stressed about exam week, either because a lot is expected of them, they are not prepared or the idea of proving what you have learnt really freaks them out. I do think the school puts quite a lot of pressure on us considering that these are not our GCSE's, but on the other hand we need to get used to doing important tests ready for year 11. I think I will be ok, as if I can do these tests without stressing then I won't be too bad in year 11 but what about the people who can't cope now? What are they going to do when confronted with a month or so of tests that affect the rest of their lives? Are GCSE's too much for 16 year olds, or will we all be a lot better at this sort of thing then?

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