
Friday, 5 June 2015

Screen Addiction

I find, as a generation, we are very screen centred. Most of us spend a lot of time hooked up to some kind of screen, whether it is a TV, a game console, a laptop (blogging perhaps!!!!) or a phone. I am no different, I spend quite a lot of time using gadgets, mainly to blog on the computer, play on my phone or watch TV. I even use it to do a lot of my homework. However, I have found lately that many of my school friends spend almost all of their free time plugged in.

I am not saying here that I think technology is a bad thing. It isn't. It is very useful in communication (including blogging), in industry and for fun. I do think though that if you spend all your time online you don't fully appreciate the world around you, so I try not to spend all of my day staring at screens.

I like the idea of doing some sort of unplug, maybe in the summer when I don't need it for revision. I am thinking of blogging about it before hand so you can join in with me. How long do you spend plugged in? Do you think you could give it up for a day or two?

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