
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Easter Eggs

Hello all. I'm off school! Freedom for 2 and a bit weeks. In the last couple of days, we have been swapping Easter eggs and other chocolatey gifts. I was a bit surprised when I discovered that I am the only one that actually saves their eggs til Easter. One of my friends did, but only because she has given up chocolate for lent. Everyone else started eating theirs immediately. I knew some people did this, but I never realised I am the only one who doesn't. I think Easter loses it's point if we scoff everything before Sunday. You don't come back to school 3 days early just because you felt like it, you wait for the agreed date. Does anyone else do this, or am I the only teenager who waits?

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, the internet died. Apparently, there was a nationwide virgin problem. While I was offline, some of you may have seen my new poll. I would love it if you all voted. There is one problem though. It does not come up on the mobile view, so you may need to use a computer or switch your phone to desktop view.

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