
Thursday, 2 April 2015

Crazy Teen Diets.

Most of the girls in my year have gone on some sort of diet in the time we have been at senior school. None of those girls needed to lose weight. The media make people our age very self conscious about our figure and promote fad diets that do not work. These can actually be quite dangerous because they make you eat so few calories. Once, we had to research one for a biology project and I was shocked and horrified at some of them, particularly the Mars bar diet. It tells you to eat only 3 Mars bars a day to lose weight. How is that going to help? Okay, it would be less that your recommended 2000 calories but they are full of fat and sugar and have no nutrition. Anyway, if you eat that little food, your body panics and retains every bit of food it can as fat, so you will not lose weight effectively.

The world needs to stop putting this pressure on people, especially young girls. Recently, France has made a start on this. They have proposed a law saying that fashion designers and model agencies that persisted in using dangerously thin young girls could end up in prison.Also, I think we should be taught about healthy dieting at school. We are taught how to eat healthy if we want to stay the same weight, but not how to lose weight effectively. I know they do not want to encourage dieting but at least that way girls would do it safely instead of starving themselves all the time. Please comment if you feel as passionately about this as I do.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree, I am feed up of hearing the girls on other tables asking the same old thing 'how many calories are in this'.
    It's wrong, people of the earth should be happy the way they are.
    If your not happy then look in the mirror, pose and smile, then your realise your being stupid for calling yourself ugly or fat. Remember everyone is beautiful in their own special way.
    I hate the Internet some times, stupid people posting ideas on how to lose weight and the next minute someone try's it and dies. There's a fun fact which sadly happens, like people eat, then make themselves throw up.
    Why is the world so cruel?
