
Monday 20 April 2015

1500 Page Views

First day back at school today. Boo! I hate going to bed knowing I will have to get up in the morning and that instead of doing what I want I will have to put on uniform. The day is never as bad as I expect it to be though. I am usually quite happy when I actually get ready and I like seeing everybody. When I got off the bus, I saw my friends crowded round a table and one of them came running up. Another good thing about the first day back is that they very rarely give you homework, giving me more time to write this.

Some of you may have seen I have a pageview counter. For some reason it does not come up on phones but those of you who read this on computers will know I now have over 1500 page views! I am really pleased as ever since I hit the 1000 pageview mark it seems to have gone up really quickly. Thank you to all who read this. Please tell your friends so this figure can keep going up.

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