
Monday 18 May 2015

School Of Rock

I realised today that I haven't done a book or film review for a long time and as I am typing this while watching a film (that I have seen before) I thought it was the perfect opportunity. The film in question is the School Of Rock. Click here to see the trailer. Its about a music mad guy (played by Jack Black) who pretends to be a teacher so he can use his class to create a band. They enter Battle of the Bands but it doesn't all go to plan. Click here for a video of him teaching the class.

It's really funny because the school he teaches is a really posh private school and the kids only play classical music and have no idea what he is talking about. However, after a few weeks of his unconventional classes, they are rocking out and editing their school uniform, much to the annoyance of their head teacher. One of my favourite bits is his corridor surveillance system to stop her finding out what's going on. My favourite character is Summer because she bosses the teacher about at the start when he doesn't teach them any maths and ends up being the band's manager. Have you ever seen this film? What do you think of it? Do you have a film of your own to recommend in the comments?

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