
Thursday 28 May 2015

Perfect Day Out

As I mentioned yesterday, I went to Paulton's Park today! It was brilliant, we went on all the rides I wanted except for the newest roller coaster. As it was new, it had really long queues and we did not want to go on it that badly as it was very basic. We went on The Edge, The Cobra, Magma and the The Raging River Ride ( 4 times) amongst others. It was great to be there with all my friends, all screaming together ( more me than anyone else!).

I think my favourite was The Edge, a 43 mph thrill ride where you sit on the edge of a 40 seater circular platform while you travel along a track that is nearly vertical in places. I am much braver than I used to be! I also love the log flume (Raging River Ride). The last time we went on it people squirted at us so we got even wetter than the first 3 times put together! Do you have a favourite ride?

After, we went back to my friends house which is where I am now. I know I said I would post later but another friend has lent me her laptop so I thought I would catch you up sooner. Overall, we ate a lot, screamed at lot and laughed a lot.

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