
Monday 11 May 2015

ICT Test Tomorrow

I can't write much tonight because I need to get some sleep for my ICT test tomorrow. All the rest of the tests we are doing this term are just standard end of year tests, but as there is no ICT GCSE at my school anymore, we are all taking a Foundational Skills Level 2 this year. It will be the first exam I have ever taken where the results will be going on my CV. We will also have invigilators from outside of school for the first time too.

We did a mock test last week ( I passed), but I am still not confident that I will pass this time. Anything could go wrong, and it is very scary that this is my one chance at getting it right when it matters. I hope this gets easier as I get older, otherwise GCSEs are going to be very nerve racking. A fortnight or so of tests that will change your life. Have you experienced this yet, or are you lucky enough to have never sat a test of this importance?

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