
Sunday 3 May 2015

Cooking For The Family

As I have already mentioned in previous posts, we do Home Ec at school and I love it. Now when you get to about 12 and you've done a bit of cooking at school it can go 2 ways:
1. Your parents love your cooking and get you to make them something about once a fortnight.
2.  Or your parents never want to eat your food again (or see the mess you can make in a kitchen) and ban you from touching their cooker.

I come in the first category and luckily, as I like cooking, am more than happy to make dinner once in a while (providing there is nothing good on telly). Recently, I have cooked a chilli and today I am making a shepherds pie. I generally use the recipes from Home Ec although occasionally me and my Dad team up to make a cake.

I have added a poll on the topic. It is not available on mobile view so you will have to look on a computer or switch your phone to desktop view and zoom in. Do you like cooking or do you try your hardest to stay out of the kitchen?

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