
Monday, 31 August 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the strangest, craziest, weirdest book I have ever read. Just when you think you have come close to understanding it, something even more confusing happens. And then it ends before it has finished, leaving questions unanswered.

Just after Arthur Dent's (the main character) house has been knocked down to make way for a new by-pass, the earth gets destroyed so that a new hyper-space by-pass can be built. Arther Dent and his best friend are saved because, although Arthur did not know it, his best friend happens to be an alien hitchhiker, who gets them lift just before the planet is incinerated.

What Arthur then discovers is that there are millions of other intelligent life forms out there, most of which are far more developed than humans. And the humans are not even the most intelligent life on earth. However, although they know that the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything. Maybe, they will oneday work out what this means.

The reason this book is so hard to get your head around, is because it recognises the fact that aliens are beyond our imagination. I think reading it makes you realise that we really don't know what is out there and that we are small and insignificant in a huge galaxy. It also cleverly points out that an answer is no good if you don't know the question.

Although the book was written quite a long time ago, a film came out more recently that featured Martin Freeman playing Arthur Dent. Click here to watch a trailer
Have you ever read a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? If you have, tell me what you think about it in the comments.

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