
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Teenage Adventure Camps

At the beginning of this summer, my school ran a residential trip to an adventure centre in Wales. I have never been on one of these trips, as when I was younger I did not feel ready for that level of adventure. However, now I am older, I want to try new things and be more independent so they have become more appealing. Also, I think my Mum needs the experience as much (or more!) than I do, as she hates it when I stay overnight somewhere.

I think these camps are great for teens as they make us more independent. They also give us confidence as if we can live away from home and do all these tricky challenges, we are happier to try new and possibly difficult things in the future. They also give us something different to do.

I will be asking some of the people who went this year about it, but I would also like to hear your experiences. Have you ever been on a trip like this? What are the pros and cons?

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