
Friday 14 August 2015

Bad Reputation

A few months ago, I posted about my badly behaved cat, Bumble. He has a reputation for being trouble and this week he has gone above and beyond his usual standards.

Last week, we got a new smart TV. Our old one was really big and bulky, so a certain cat used to sit on top of it:

However, our new TV is slim and lightweight. In fact, it weighs less than him. When Bumble decided we were giving the new telly too much attention and ignoring him, he tried to jump up as normal. He did manage to stand on the top with all 4 paws for a second, before the TV started swaying backwards. The cat managed to jump off over the back, sending it crashing forwards onto the floor.

Long story short, half the TV screen was not working. It is currently being repaired, so at the moment we have no TV. My dad is not pleased, leaving badly behaved Bumble in the dog house. I am not too angry with him though as he did not know it would tip over. Are your pets this troublesome?

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