
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Alcohol For Teens

In England, you can not legally buy alcohol until you are 18. However, there is no law against giving it to children over 5 at home. I have always been allowed small amounts of alcohol from a young age. However, I only drink occasionally as I don't like most of the things I have tasted. Both me and my parents agree that if I am allowed to drink at home, I am less likely to drink out with friends where there are more dangers. If teens are not allowed something, it often makes them want to do it more. When I am 18, it will be less of a big thing that I am allowed to drink so I am less likely to suddenly start drinking lots. It also means that I am more experienced with alcohol and therefore know what drinks I can have without getting too drunk or ill.

However, some people think that children and young people should not be given any alcohol as it could set them a bad example. If children drink too much, it could be especially harmful as their bodies have not fully developed. It can increase the likely hood that they get involved in crime if they get drunk as they will not have such good judgement.

I think small amounts of alcohol is ok for teenagers as long as they do not get drunk and they are told the risks of doing so. Tell me what you think. You can use the poll to answer in a couple of clicks or use the comments section. Either way, you do not need to sign it as you can now comment anonymously.


  1. It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under five except under medical supervision in an emergency.

  2. Yes I know, I did say that I was talking about children over 5. I was mostly talking about teenagers.
