
Sunday 29 March 2015

You Tube and You Tubers!

I love You Tube. It is entertaining and useful. I use it for two things: lyric videos and watching Dan Howell (On danisnotonfire). Dan and Phil are my favourite You Tubers. I love their videos, especially Dan's. Yes, ok, they are a little bit mad and awkward but that is what makes them funny. This is the link to his channel. Before you click on this link TURN THE VOLUME DOWN if there are parents in the near vicinity. On some devices, their channel trailer starts playing immediately and Phil says some interesting things to "get your attention"!

My favourite of their most recent videos is probably the one where they do the blindfolded make up. I think I might try this on my next sleepover (although possibly minus the mascara and eyeliner!). Watch this next clip to see why boys don't do make up!

Also, Dan and Phil are bringing out a book. I am going to buy one but it does not come out until October. Do you like Dan and Phil? Or do you watch different You Tubers? Tell me in the comments.

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