
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Artist In School

A local artist came into school today. We are doing portraits in art at the moment and he came in to show us some of his paintings. He doesn't paint portraits very often but he was talking more about how he builds up the paintings. He uses acrylic to paint layers on the the canvas. Some of his paintings were brought into school, others he showed us on the whiteboard. At the moment he is in the middle of some paintings because he is getting ready for one of his exhibitions. After an exhibition, he usually sells his paintings on.

I really liked his work. He paints realistically, although a few of his paintings have more of a surreal feel. Most of his work has some kind of writing in it that is to do with the story behind the painting. All his work is very meaningful, every piece has a tale behind it. That's what I love about his work.

Has your school ever had an artist come in? Do you like looking at art? Tell me in your comment.

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