I love Kipling! The colours, the designs, and of course, the monkeys! I have a bright yellow Kipling handbag at the moment and I love it. Each monkey has it's own special name according to colour. Mine is called Amna. They are all named after Kipling's staff, mainly designers. Here are some of my favourites of their current bags. All of them come in a range of colours, I have picked my favourite here. Do you like Kipling? Which of these is your favourite?
This bag is quite large, definitely
big enough to hold all
your essentials. |
DEFEA, £75
This is a very practical yet cool bag for
everyday. |
SYRO £65
This is very similar in style to my own
bag. I love the colour. |
This is a bright, colourful bag
for spring. I love the flowered pattern. |
My favourite is the top one the blue one. It's my kind of bag