
Monday, 7 March 2016

Why I Can't Live Without Books

Last week was world book week. The whole country has been celebrating with school events and wbd teenfest, an online book festival for teens. This year, the theme is Why I Can't Live Without Books. This got me thinking.

I read quite a lot, mostly for entertainment, but there is more to it than that. I'm quite imaginative, and I like seeing into other worlds - both the fantasy kind and the worlds of real people who live very different lives to me. With books, you see into those worlds at a much deeper level than in film and TV. You find out what they are thinking. I guess the reason I could not live without books is because without them, I would never see into those ways of life in such depth. They also sometimes make you see your own life in a different way.

Stories can also be an escape, pulling you into other places, times and situations long enough that you forget your own problems for a little while. They can also give you the ideas to write your own, which is very important to me as I want to be a writer myself (one of the reasons I write a blog). So, I think books will probably always be a part of my life. Do you read a lot? Why can't you live without books?

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