
Thursday 10 March 2016

Baking Brownies

In Psychology, we have something called cake Friday. Each week, different people bring in cakes for the whole class to share. It is my crazy science teacher's way of getting free cake! This week, it is my turn, along with one of my friends. This is why I have spent tonight baking brownies.

We made the recipe for the family last weekend, although then it did not go so well. Me and my dad managed to bake brownies that were both over cooked and completely raw. The tin had been too small, the cake mix was therefore deeper and took longer to cook, leaving us with crispy edges and an undercooked middle.

This time, we used a different tin and it has gone much better. I have just been cutting them up and they look soooooo nice! I had to eat a few of the crumbs (of course) and they tasted amazing. Both times, I used Paul Hollywood's brownie mix from his new range. They were easy to make and tasted great. I definitely recommend it, just make sure you don't make my mistake!

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