
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Are You Back At School?

Many schools are going back today or tomorrow, but I luckily have until next Monday -yay! Hopefully, the weather will hold out and it won't get too wintery. Are you back at school yet?

This year, I am in year 10. I will be starting my GCSE courses in the subjects I picked last year in my options that weren't options (see previous post- Feb). At the start of the summer, I was completely terrified about this, but I feel much more ready now. I think this has something to do with the fact that I had some Textiles GCSE work to do over the holidays. Although I am all too aware that it will count towards my GCSE coursework, I did it without a problem and this has given me a little more confidence. If I can do that, hopefully, I will be able to do the work this coming year.

Are you starting your GCSEs next year? How do you feel about it?

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