
Saturday 12 September 2015

Arctic Roar

In the last couple of years I have become a bit of a fan of Greenpeace. I found out about them from my mum's friend, and have been hooked ever since. I guess I just like the fact someone is doing something about the world's environmental problems, even when the government aren't.

Their current main campaign is against Shell because they have got the go-ahead to drill for oil in the arctic. This will destroy polar bears' homes because of the possible oil spills as well as the negative effects that burning the oil will have on the climate. If the oil is burnt, it will contribute to global warming, which will melt the ice in the arctic even further, destroying the polar bears' homes and rising our sea levels dramatically.

To try and stop them doing this, Greenpeace have constructed a giant polar bear called Aurora who is currently roaring outside Shell's main office with 6 campaigners chained to her. You can meet her by clicking here.

Greenpeace have also made it possible for you to easily E-mail one of Shell's bosses and tell him why you do not want him to destroy the arctic. I am going to do this as it is one of the few ways someone our age can make a difference. Over 50 000 people have already taken this action. Will you?

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