
Thursday, 24 September 2015

The Problem with PSHE

PSHE is probably my least favourite school subject, mostly because I find it boring as I very rarely learn anything new. The curriculum is so repetitive, there are things we have covered 3 times now over the years. Also, we often cover the same stuff in other lessons, such as healthy eating in Biology and Home Ecc. And some of it is just common sense.

It is even worse for me, as my parents have already taught me most of this stuff. In fact, PSHE is made up of stuff your parents should teach you, it is just that not everyones' parents know that stuff and others can't be bothered to teach it to their kids.

So, we can't get rid of PSHE entirely, but I don't want to waste hours of my lesson time being taught stuff I already know (especially now I am doing my GCSEs). I think they should take out everything they teach in other Subjects, and teach us all the rest just once. That way, they could condense it down into one year's worth, and I wouldn't feel like I was wasting so much of my life .

Do you like PSHE? Or do you find it frustrating? Tell me what you think in the comments.

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