
Friday, 17 July 2015

Smartphones - Are They Slightly Addictive?

I am going to put this out there right now: I do not have a Smartphone. I have a Nokia which can use the internet and is touch screen, but it has buttons. And you can't get Google Play. There are a few good reasons for this:
1. I can't work the touch screen key board
2. There are other things that I would rather spend my money on/get for my birthday.
3. I think they are addictive.

When I first joined senior school, almost all of my friends had smart phones. They were slightly addicted and now are much worse. I thought nothing of this. It was when my parents got their first smart phones that I began to think differently. My dad was first. He got his first smartphone two and   a half  years ago. He got a Sony Experia, largely because Bond had a Sony in the latest film. At first, he did not use it much differently to his old phone. However, as time went on, he used it more and more. Now, he devotes quite a lot of time a day to staring at his phone.

My mum was the most surprising. She got her first smart phone last Christmas. She loves it, using it more and more. At the same time, my dad got a newer version of his phone and now spends even more time on it.

This made me realise that it was not just the people at school who could get addicted. It could be anyone. You probably think I am being ridiculous, but if you have a smartphone, how happy would you be to lock it in a cupboard for a week? If you are anything like most of my friends, the answer would be something like a cry of "No way!" or "My baby!".

Do you think I should get a smartphone? Do you have one? Are you addicted to yours? Tell me what you think in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I have a smart phone like you know. If it was in a a cupboard for a week I would cry and scream until I get it back. The internet is important sometimes.
