
Thursday 16 July 2015

Jonathan Creek

One of the reasons I didn't post last night was that I got into Jonathan Creek. I love that programme. It is about a man who designs magic tricks for a living and does a bit of detective work on the side. As he is used to working out how to achieve the seemingly impossible, he is good at solving difficult cases. They usually seem to be done using some sort of paranormal or magic means but are actually all just tricks. He has a female friend who helps him. I guess it is similar to Sherlock in a way, which many of you will remember me posting about before.

Another of the reasons I like it is because they are usually a bit scary. This is because they make out at the beginning there is something spooky going on. This makes it good for teens as it has a bit of an edge without being really scary or violent. They often repeat the show in the evening on the Freeview channel drama.I was going to get a clip for you, but there aren't any good ones on YouTube. Instead, you can watch the episode I saw last night here.

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