
Friday 27 February 2015

Rich Cottell

Weekend! Yay! We had another unusual surprise at school today, although much less gross than the last one. We were told that we had an hour long assembly on Cyber bullying today. Boring, you might think. Except what they didn't tell us was that this "assembly" was being run by Indie Pop singer and anti-bullying campaigner Rich Cottell. He sung us several current songs as well as his latest single "Whisk away the working day" which you can hear if you click on the link below.

He was good and got us all singing. I even got his autograph at the end. You never know, he may be the next Ed Sheeran.

1 comment:

  1. He was amazing and same with his songs, to follow him here's some sites...
    Twitter= @richcottell
    Facebook= richcottell
    Instagram= richcottell
    YouTube= richcottell
