
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Lip Care and Colour

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, I was very busy.
Lip products are a handbag essential. Even if you are not big into make-up or have little time, it takes seconds to apply lippy and it can complete any look. First I need a decent lip balm to hydrate lips. I usually use a tinted one, as it also starts building up the colour. Chap stick are a good make to use. If I want a strong colour, I apply lip stick at this stage. However, if I want a natural look or am wearing brightly coloured eye make-up I apply a tinted solid lip gloss instead. Finally, I add lip gloss from a tube in a similar shade to the colour I have already applied to my lips for extra shine and possibly sparkle. What do you do? Tell me your make-up methods in the comments.

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