
Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Where Has The Summer Gone?

Looking out my window right now, I am finding it hard to believe it is the middle of August. Based on the amount of rain we have had today, you would think it was January. It is too cold to wear any of my new clothes I have bought this holiday, and too rainy to risk wearing my new shoes anywhere. I am hoping it will cheer up soon!

Meanwhile, I have plenty of time to read the books for my A level English Literature class. As we have to study several texts, we have been given a list of the ones we are doing in year 1 to have a look at over the holidays. So far I have read A Thousand Splendid Suns, and I am part way through the Poetry anthology. As these are both modern texts, I have actually liked reading them. However, I am not so sure I will find the Victorian novel so easy to get though! I might leave that one until I have a teacher to help me understand it. My 4th text, a play called a Street Car Named Desire looks good though, and is very short, so I should be able to read that one easy enough.

College is approaching far to quickly for my liking. As my other two A levels are art subjects, I have not been given any work for those, but some of my friends who study sciences have been given actual homework. Between college work and the rain, it is hard to believe this is the summer holidays!
Have you been given any college work over the summer?

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