
Tuesday 8 August 2017

Bizarre But Brilliant

Whether it is a song, a TV show or a book, sometimes you like something for it's strangeness. It might be a song with lyrics that make no sense, or the weirdest book you ever read, but you still find yourself watching or listening to them again and again! Here is my list of Bizarre But Brilliant favourites.

Starfish And Coffee - Prince
Boneheads Bank Holiday - Oasis
Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance

Black Books -
Comedy set in a book shop with a very eccentric owner. His assistant Manny is also strange, and the two of them together create some very funny situations. Available as a box set on All 4, which I am currently watching.
The IT Crowd -
Comedy set in a dysfunctional IT department. It is total chaos in the office, which is what makes it so very funny. Available as a box set on All 4, which I am currently watching.
Green Wing -
Comedy set in a hospital. It has some very bizarre characters, including some badly behaved doctors. Available as a box set on All 4.

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy-
A book that makes little sense and has such a mad plot is hard to get your head around it. I love it!
The Catalogue Of The Universe-
This one is strange because of the way it is written. It has both fast paced action and long philosophical meaning.

Do you have any things you find bizarre but brilliant?

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