
Saturday 26 August 2017

I Am Officially A Student!

A couple of days ago, I collected my exam results. I was mostly pleased, as although some of my results were not as good as I had hoped, there were some nice surprises as well. After celebrating that evening with pizza, I enrolled at my college the next day.

When I first arrived, they gave me a test! I thought I had done all the tests I needed to do for a while! Now spelling is not my strong point, so this did make me panic a little, but I was fine with the reading and comprehension parts, so it was ok overall. They were just trying to find out if I needed any specialist support whilst I was at the college.

Then I had another interview to check I could still do my courses with my results and sort out my paperwork. As I am part of the college's Aspire program, I got to meet the Principle who is in charge of the scheme too. This was a little scary, but he was very friendly. Finally, I got my college ID and officially became part of the college. Now I am very excited for September!

Are you excited to be going to college!

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