
Sunday 6 August 2017

Blind Date With A Book

A little while ago, I spotted these brown paper wrapped books on the shelves of Waitrose. They had no title, author or picture, just 5 words or phases to help you decide whether or not you want to buy the book. There were several books with different clues, and they intrigued me. My mum saw me looking at these and has bought me this one.

The book inside turned out to be "Britt-Marie Was Here", a book that I would not normally choose, but then I guess that is kind of the point! It looks interesting though. I will tell you more about it when I have read it!

On the 9th of August, it is Book Lovers Day, when many local libraries are holding events. Perhaps this is the perfect day to go on a blind date with a book? Have you every tried one?

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