
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Early Morning Cat Chorus

A couple of months ago, I told you about how my cat Bumble got injured and had a hole in his side. He has now made a full recovery and his fur has almost completely grown back. I am really pleased, as I hate it when he is poorly. Naturally, he is now back to his usual tricks. Bumble wakes up early, and often wants his breakfast before we get up. This is why he now meaows very loudly at the bottom of the stairs, sometimes as early as 5.30 in the morning. This wakes my dad up, but me and my mum sleep through it. I think he is singing.

If this does not work, he jumps up on my mum's bed and flicks her face with his tail over and over again. Next, he bashes her on the head with his paw. Bumble will then bite her if she still hasn't responded. Luckily for me, he only ever does this to my parents, and only comes in my room to sleep in his basket.

Currently, Bumble is outside enjoying the afternoon sun. He is always happiest when the weather is nice. Is your pet as badly behaved as mine?

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