
Monday, 18 April 2016

Cool Common Room

A little while ago, I said how I thought it was unfair that we had to hand in our phones, as we were all suffering because of the actions of a few. Now, the senior prefects get to keep their phones on them throughout the school day. This is great, as it means the school have acknowledged that not all of us are untrustworthy. True, there are some pupils that are responsible that don't happen to be prefects, but it is a start.

There are other privileges that come with being a senior prefect as well. Starting this year, we get our own common room at lunch time where we are allowed to use our phones! We have also been promised a sofa, beanbags, a TV and possibly even a Games console. We also get to go down the local shops at lunch time. I am really pleased I decided to become a prefect now! The school have definitely made it worthwhile.


  1. A classic case of divide and rule methinks!
    To be honest I'd be interested to know why you want a phone at school and how you use case of emergencies, texting mates you are at school with, internet access, streaming games/shows/music etc.? Being ancient, we didn't have mobiles at your age so wondering what role they play for teens at school.

  2. For some teens, it is because they can't stay away from Facebook! I don't use social media, so I use it for listening to music, games and youtube. Sometimes I text as well, but that is more at home.
