
Thursday 21 April 2016

A Confession...

I am seriously addicted to Dominos! Ever since I was little, whenever my mum asked me what I wanted for dinner, I would reply "Dominos". I still loving having it now. I do like a good curry, but Dominos pizza is still my favourite. The sauce, the smell, the doughy base... no other make is quite as good. My favourite topping is Ham and Pineapple. I don't really know why, nothing else compares. And the crusts just have to be dipped in BBQ sauce!

That is the best bit about being a prefect. We are allowed out for lunch and there is a Dominos really near the school. Me and my best friend went the other day. It was the best lunch I have ever had at school!

Are you addicted to Dominos? What's your favourite pizza topping?

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