
Monday 18 January 2016

The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire

I mentioned in a previous post that I got Dan and Phil's new book, the Amazing Book Is Not On Fire for Christmas. I have read it all now and I love it! It is perfect for any fan, as it has the perfect mix of Dan and Phil's background, their current lives as YouTubers and mad stuff.

I particularly liked the page of "Things Phil Thought Were True That Are Not True". I, like Phil, am shocked to discover that Blue from Blues Clues is a girl. However, I still cannot believe that he thought all boys were destined to marry their mums!

The real question is though, is their story of "What Really Happened in Vegas" true. I mean, if anyone is going to accidentally stumble into area 51 it is them two, but it still seems pretty unlikely. I think they may have exaggerated it a little bit...

Probably the most useful section for me was their "Guide To Being A YouTuber" as some of it was relevant to blog writing. I have had many requests from friends at school to start a YouTube account, but I do not plan to at the moment as it takes up much more time than a blog. I sometimes struggle to find time to write this, so I would never be able to do YouTube videos as well. Dan says he spends 5 hours just on the editing of his videos, I usually manage to do my blog in under an hour.

Have you read The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire? What did you think of it?

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