
Thursday 21 January 2016

Hockey Fun

It's been so cold lately and yet it still hasn't snowed! It has snowed in the north of the country lots and there has even been snow in some parts of London, but not on the south coast where I live. Disappointing.

I had hockey club after school today but I wasn't too cold. I didn't mind about the weather though, coz I love hockey. It is my favourite sport. There are few things better than charging round an icy pitch hitting a rock hard ball with your own personal weapon (or hockey stick, as some people call them).

Today, we had lots of people from all years playing. Problem is, at this time of year, we only get to play for half an hour because it gets dark so early at the moment. Shame. It was still fun though.

Do you like playing hockey? What's your favourite sport?
Snow is finally falling in London and the rest of the south east tonight, after creeping steadily down the country throughout the day

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