
Saturday 16 July 2016

Work Experience

One of the things I am looking forward to in year 11 is work experience. Some people in my year are not so keen on the idea, because it is in our half term holiday. Obviously, I would prefer to miss a week of school than holiday time, but I still really want to do it.

Mostly, I want to do it because I am lucky enough to have access to placements working in exactly the sorts of places I want to work when I am older. I will be able to see what the work is like and decide whether on not it is for me. This will help me decide on what A Levels and further education to take. I also want to gain experience in that area for applications. It will also allow me to understand what I will be letting myself in for when I do get a job.

I think it is great that it is so easy for us to find placements. Normally, it is hard for young people to get work because of lack of experience. Hopefully, this system will help prevent this problem. Have you done any work experience? What did you think of it?

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