
Thursday 14 July 2016

The Freedom Of Summer

For me, today is the first day of the summer holidays!

There is a real sense of freedom about having nearly 2 months off school! For a lot of this time, I will be at home, free to do whatever I feel like doing at the time. I am also going to Wales for 5 days for an adventure camp and spending a week on a cruise ship in Europe.

However, I was a bit upset yesterday as some of my favourite teachers left the school. It is always sad when people who have helped you so much and you have a good relationship with leave. Also, next year, I will be going into year 11. I feel like year 10 was our last year of fun at school before things get really serious. But then, this time last year I was worried about going into year 10 and starting the study of my GCSE subjects, and that was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. So maybe year 11 won't be too bad either.

We did have some nice surprises though. Two of my favourite teachers who left last year sent us a video message all the way from New Zealand. I was so shocked I didn't take in everything they said! It was good to hear from them though.

Overall, it was a great last day and I think this summer is going to be even better.

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