
Friday 24 June 2016

You Know You Are A City Girl When...

I have lived in a medium sized town all my life, and it is only now I have friends from more rural areas that I fully appreciate how adapted I am to urban living. I find it weird when there is no traffic noise, I have never been camping and I can only find my way around using a map if there are street names to help me. I think if I moved to the back of beyond I would have quite a few problems.  I like everything to be close to hand. Similarly, my friend from outside of the area found it hard at first to go from living in a small village to a much larger town.

It is interesting how within one country, people can have very different ways of life. It is nice that we have a large variety of lifestyle options to choose from. However, if you are forced to move from one extreme to the other by your parents, it can be very daunting. Have you ever had this experience?

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