
Friday 10 June 2016

Euro 2016 Begins

Tonight was the first match of Euro 16. Normally, I am not that into football, but this year our tutor group have found a way to liven things up. Everyone picked teams out of a hat. Who ever's team wins the championship gets a pound off everyone who entered. I entered for a bit of fun but it seems I have lucked out. I was given Romania and Croatia. Romania has already lost a match to France this evening, and Croatia is unlikely to do much better. I am still hopeful though. The only problem is, I now don't know who I want to win: England or the teams that are going to win me the Jackpot!

Next week we have our exams. Up until now, I have done a good job of not panicking, but when we were given our exam timetables it freaked me out a little. It is very daunting seeing it all laid out on paper. It should be over and done with pretty quickly though. How do you feel about it?

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