
Saturday 11 June 2016

Campaigning Success!

I often blog about issues Greenpeace are hi-lighting and the ways which you can get involved. This time, I have some success stories for you.

ASDA and Waitrose have both said they will drop the unsustainable tuna company John West by 2017 if they do not clean up their supply chain, which currently uses harmful fishing methods and violates human rights laws. Hopefully, Sainsbury's will follow suit soon. Most big brands that buy palm oil like Nestle, Unilever and Mars have stopped buying from the supplier IOI because they have destroyed so many areas of rainforest. If these companies continue to lose business, they will be forced to change.

Meanwhile, their microbead campaign has taken a big step forward. The government has said that if cosmetic companies don't clean up their act, they will face a ban on microbeads! Greenpeace took their petition of 312,239 signatures to 10 Downing Street this week, and they are waiting for a response. It could result in a full ban on microbeads.

These stories show how our action can make a difference. It proves that even though we are still teens, we can still help change things for the better on a global scale. I hope you will continue to support these campaigns.

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