
Sunday 12 June 2016

No To Meghan Trainor

A few months ago, I blogged about how I liked Meghan's Trainor's songs from her first album, and could not wait to see what she would sing next. Now she has released her latest songs (NO an Me Too), I am very disappointed. They are both very repetitive and egotistical. They are not nearly as good as the positive, fun songs she used to sing.

She has had a complete image change as well. Gone are the girly outfits and the pretty pastels. Now it is all revealing black outfits and music videos with attitude. One of the things I liked about her was the fact she was different. She was colourful, with a bit of a retro style. Now she is like lots of other artists: boring songs with more focus on being sexy. I would rather she focused on the music.

Do you like her new songs? Or do you prefer her older material?

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