
Saturday 25 June 2016

New Top Gear- What Is All The Fuss About?

Over the past few weeks, I have been watching the new Top Gear. Much to the surprise of my friends, I do quite like it. So okay, Chris Evans can be annoyingly shouty and excitable sometimes. Well, most of the time actually. But I really like Matt Le Blanc. He is perfect for the show, as he has just the right attitude to make it work. I already liked him as an actor from friends, and now I like him as a TV presenter as well. Sabine Schmitz can be quite funny sometimes too. It is good to have a women on the show!

Most people are saying the best part of the show was the presenters, but the presenters have actually changed several times over the years. Only Clarkson has stayed constant, and he is my least favourite of the three, as he is very arrogant. I still miss Richard. He was fun. Mostly though, what I liked best were the challenges. And anyway, the most important part is the cars, believe it or not.

So although the new BBC Top Gear is not quite as good as the original, I do not think it is the disaster it is made out to be. What do you think of it?

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