
Friday 3 June 2016

I Don't Know What I Do In Bed...

The other night, my phone went off at 1 in the morning. This made my dad get up and come in my room. He found me out of bed, turning it off. I even had a conversation with him about it. The next morning, I had no memory of it at all. I had been asleep the WHOLE TIME.

I have done things like this before. I often sit bolt upright in bed,  say something, then lay back down and shut my eyes again. I never remember a thing. Once, my mum found me standing at the top of the stairs. I had been sleepwalking. Again, I remembered nothing. Freaky, right? When I talk in my sleep my mum looks in to see if I'm awake. Once she made out the words to a song.  I seem to be getting worse as I get older.

Have you ever done something like this?

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