
Tuesday 6 October 2015

How Not To Use A Sewing Machine...

I had never used a sewing machine before I started Textiles GCSE. I had always put off trying one, as they looked very complicated. Today, I used one for the second time. 20 minutes into the lesson and all I had succeeded in doing was re-threading the needle 10 times and doing 5 stitches. The highlight of the lesson, however, was when I managed to sew my piece of fabric to the machine! A piece of metal had found it's way in between my layers of fabric and I accidentally stitched them together through the middle of the metal hoop. It took me ages to unpick it. When I told my teacher what had happened, she just looked at me in disbelief.On the way home my Mum just burst out laughing. Very Supportive. Not!

I did, eventually, get the hang of it. I did more actual sewing in the last 10 minutes than the rest of the lesson put together and produced a good sample. Whether or not I will be able to do that again though is another matter. Do you have trouble with sewing machines? Tell me your funny stories below.

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