
Monday 19 October 2015

200 Posts!

This post I am writing now is my 200th post! I have been writing this blog for over 8 months now (since the 1st of February). I am heading towards 5000 page views from all over the world! As I have had many new readers from school in the past couple of months, about 800 of these have been in October alone.

You can't have a blog without readers, so thank you for reading and recommending this blog. Please continue to do so. If you have any (sensible) suggestions about what you think I should write about, post them below. It is my last day at school tomorrow before half term (Yay! I can't believe the first half term of year 10 is over. It has gone so quickly!). This means I should be able to spend more time posting over the next couple of weeks, so now is a good time to give me your suggestions. Maybe I will try draw my life, we will see.

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