
Saturday, 24 October 2015

10 Things You Will Only Understand If Your Parents Work In a School

My mum is a teaching assistant, and is therefore VERY teacherfied. This can make a teens life difficult sometimes. Do either of your parents work in a school? If so, can you relate to these 10 things?

1. That homework comes before almost everything.

2. That you only get a day off school if you are actually dying. No skiving allowed.

3. That they feel the need to check up on you and your homework diary at regular intervals.

4. That their hi-light of the school year is exam results time.

5. That not revising is a major crime.

6. That they think taking kids out of school to go on holiday is crazy.

7. That they might consider asking for MORE homework on parents evening.

8. That they are always checking up on the teachers to make sure they are "challenging you" enough.

9. That they often secretly read your homework before you hand it in and leave little notes saying what they thought of it and any misspelt words.

10. That you can't tell them to stop doing any of this because they will say they are just being "involved"

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