
Saturday 28 November 2015


Climate change- a big problem. A world wide problem, in fact. And so it makes sense that individuals, especially teens often feel a little powerless to help. We also may feel as if it is a problem that's far from home, that won't effect us. But neither of those are true. Climate change will effect everyone of us if we allow it to happen, which is why leaders from over 190 countries are meeting from the 30th of November to the 11th of December. They are trying to create a global legally binding climate treaty. To find out more click here to see this video.

So where is our say in this? Well, there are several ways ordinary people are getting involved to tell the government that we want them to agree on action. Over 3 million people have already signed a petition to say that they want to keep global warming below a 2 degree increase by switching to 100% green energy by 2050. Click here to sign it. Tomorrow, many Greenpeace activists are marching in London and other parts of the country to show how much people care about the environment.

Will you be showing your support for everything that is #OursToLose?

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