
Friday, 6 November 2015

Calling All Animal Lovers

I am doing this blog because it was spiecally requested by an animal loving friend of mine. I hope you all like it as much as I know she will!

As some of you already know, I am a major animal lover! I have already blogged about my cat called Bumble, who is very badly behaved but still lovely. If you haven't already read it, click here. Although cats are my favourite pets, I also like dogs, as well as most other animals. Tigers are my favourite animal.

At my school, we have 7 guinea pigs and 2 chickens and I help look after these. I am head of the chicken society and the friend who requested this blog is head of the guinea pig team. I love the fact we have animals in school, as I think it is great for people who don't have any pets. Also, the chickens are good for people like me who don't have the land for chickens but still really like them.
I also support animal welfare via organisations like Greenpeace and only eat free range eggs.

Are you an animal lover? Do you have animals at your school?


  1. RIP opra, you are a chicken.. I like chicken dinner

    1. OMG we have the same name u should kidnap those chickens with me and we can run to ISIS

    2. We have the same name.... You must be my long lost brother or sister... Or something like that. I would just prefer to sell the chicken to KFC and then eat it in a bargain bucket, with those massive Pepsi drinks and cheap fries. That would make my year m8
