
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Student Life

I have been at college 2 days now and I love it! We spent most of the first day in various talks about how to succeed academically and what is expected of us at the college, but we had fun in our tutor bases as well. I made a few new friends to hang out with at lunch, and met up with a few of my friends from my previous schools.

Today, we had our first ever lessons. I had a session of photography first, which was brilliant. We had a go at creating abstract photos with darkroom chemicals, light sensitive paper and objects such as leaves, masking tape, string and lace. Then, we had a session telling us about the mentoring and study periods at the college.

In the afternoon, we got to try out one of the college's enrichment sessions. I chose music, and had a go at learning the guitar. I could have also sung or played in a pop or rock band. I definitely want to continue with music sessions.

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