
Wednesday 13 September 2017

iPhone X - Just Why?

Apple have made an announcement that unveiled the new iPhone X. Now I have had a look at this phone, and not only does the screen reach the very edge of the phone, but the back is glass too. As if iPhones were not already easy enough to break! And to make it worse, they cost £1149, which is very expensive for an item that will probably be smashed in a few weeks. A ploy so Apple make more money from screen replacements, perhaps?

Ok, so I will admit the face recognition is pretty cool, but judging by how different I look when crawling out of bed in the morning compared to when I am all made up for a night out, I am not sure how that will work.

Although it does look pretty cool, I am going to be 17 next year, and I think I would rather spend £1000 on a second hand car for me to crash than a fancy phone that will go out of date in 5 minutes. What about you?


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